Happy New Year! It’s time to make some resolutions.

  1. Finish the three small instruments I started on early last year.
  2. Carve a half dozen dulcimer noters (already roughed out).
  3. Carve more spoons.
  4. Finish carving and assembling another medieval trestle stool.
  5. Put the above items on my Etsy shop.
  6. Write (already doing that).
  7. Go to Left Coast Crime mystery book conference in Belleview, Washington, in April.

I think that’s enough to keep me busy for now. Other than Left Coast Crime, we haven’t planned any other driving or flying trips for this year yet. Well, it is only the first day of the year. Who knows what lays ahead.

Well, New Years is winding down, and so am I. Even though I’m basically retired from being a full-time crafts person, several of those items above were started before I retired. I’m obligated (to myself) to finish them this year.

So, onward through the fog…

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